Tuesday, May 24, 2011

jeff dunham divorce

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  • bruinsrme
    Apr 22, 05:23 AM
    This settles it:

    Image (http://www.emptyhouse.net/fileshuttle/samsungphone_21e9.jpg)

    yes I agree the hands in both those pictures look extremely similar.
    I am going to have to side with Samsung on this; apple stole their hand.

    As far as the phones go? the looks are similar but still different looking.

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  • QCassidy352
    May 3, 08:15 AM
    Apple continues their model to suck most money out of their customers.


    -Can't buy base 21.5'' with 6770M or 6970M.
    -Can't buy base 27'' with 6970M.

    Why does it always have to be that if you want a good graphics card, you must go for the top model, and thereby paying so much more than if you could just customize the base model with it?

    Already know the answer, but let your defending excuses come.

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  • CDCC
    Apr 22, 10:59 PM
    No more samsung parts for you apple!

    And no more money for Samsung!

    There are tons of vendors just waiting in-line to pickup Samsung's Apple contracts.

    Samsung is truly "biting the hand that feeds them!"

    Samsung share holders see the writing on the wall. Samsung's calculated risk of copying Apple verbatim is not going to payoff in the long run...sell, sell, sell.

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  • CJace
    Apr 27, 05:12 AM
    That is a dude not a girl.

    Hard to believe everybody just stood around and let those girls assault him like that. As far as the seizure....that looks fake as all get out. I have seen a person have a seizure and it was no way near that violent.

    If a fake seizure is what it takes to get those ****ing animals to stop attacking you, then so be it.


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  • Otaillon
    Sep 17, 12:21 PM
    Tell me about it! I sacrificed 2 hrs of sleep last night for this game, haha.

    And for me a 2h math class!:D

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  • Chupa Chupa
    Jun 6, 09:12 AM
    $1000 worth of a beating he'd get if i were his parent. Luckily for kids, i hate them and would never have one. Ever.

    Darwin FTW!

    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7E18 Safari/528.16)

    What's the big deal! Imagine if he downloaded the app, learned everything, passed the exam. Wonderboy Lawyer!!!!!!

    Stop the Lifetime Movie idea right there. I mean there is the whole law school graduation requirement to take the Bar in most states (maybe all) if we want to be realistic.


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  • mrblah
    Jul 24, 11:27 PM
    No freakin thanks. Its already hard enough to control the touch sensitive orange ipod because its so "touchy." It would literally be impossible to use the ipod without looking with an interface like that, driving with an ipod would go from dangerous to suicidal. Its not the least bit practical and would just be a gimmick.

    Its just an all around NO for me. One hand control would be a pain, no-look control would be impossible, the learning curve would take awhile to get used to because it would be the first thing with controls like that, no cases, pretty much no everything. Bad idea.

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  • chrono1081
    Sep 12, 07:59 PM
    I bought this, a 16 gig. I paid two day shipping and it should have been here friday but it looks like I won't get it until Mon or Tues :( So much for two day shipping :(


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  • SiliconAddict
    Nov 3, 11:50 PM
    Mine pops up instantly. 2.0 GHz Macbook.

    Whatever dude. 2Ghz\2GB RAM\256MB Video\160GB HD and there is NOTHING instantaneous about Parallels at all. It takes anywhere from 1-2 minutes to resume a session and another 2+ minutes to suspend it. This is with multiple images, several OS X installs, and I know how to tweak Windows with the best of them. Then there is the bug where it likes to freeze the entire system when you change locations. Not always but it�s a common enough thing that I have to stop the session to change locations or risk crashing my system.

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  • Jako7286
    Apr 28, 04:02 PM
    Volume switch issue? Please enlighten me, I don't know what you refer to.

    I believe he's talking about them moving the volume buttons for the Verizon iPhone. So a case for the AT&T iPhone won't fit the Verizon iPhone.


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  • Mexbearpig
    Jan 28, 11:29 PM
    Just found out the Acacia Strain case was empty. Furious would be an uderstatement for my rage right now. Mainly because I have a feeling the store i got it from wont to anything about it.

    Not pictured: Monster Slim Jim Original

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  • Moyank24
    Apr 28, 01:14 PM
    Still too early. But if you think my death is tragic, maybe, just maybe, you can be a stripper in my next game.


    I want to own the strip club.

    And didn't you see how upset and disoriented I was by your death? I lost all track of time.


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  • duklaprague
    Oct 24, 08:11 AM
    I'm probably not as hard core as a lot of you guys, but it seems a pretty good update to me.

    The low end MBP is now �1349 in the UK, that's a better spec than what �1699 would have got me yesterday. 1GB RAM finally as a starting point, HD up from 80 to 120 - things that I would have tried to stretch to the �1699 model until now.

    I'm probably not looking to replace my trusty G4PB until next year anyway - but I'm happy enough to see those pennies going further with each revision.

    The G4PB cost me �1999 back in Jan 04.


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  • FreeState
    May 1, 10:05 PM
    I'm glad he's no longer a threat, but really wish we could have caught him with out spending ourselves into generations of debt...


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  • NewSc2
    Oct 18, 04:55 PM
    "Q on Mac Pro demand. A: Very positive reaction to Mac Pro. Still feel there is a delay in purchasing related to Creative Suite (Universal)"

    They said the same thing about pro desktop sales when we were waiting on a carbon version from Adobe. Then, it was released and Pro sales didn't increase. Too bad you can't put Xeon in a MBP :P

    Too bad they can't put a Merom in a MBP.

    (kidding! kidding...)

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  • Thataboy
    Jul 21, 10:25 AM
    Finally Apple are back from those awful tanking sales G4 years, though will they ever break through that 5% glass ceiling?

    I think so -- and soon. Look at the sales of the MacBooks, and they came very late in the quarter! So now we have a full quarter of MacBook sales, PLUS Mac Pros. Not to mention possible iMac and MacBook Pro updates to Core 2 Duo this quarter.

    I say we will hit 5% next quarter. Apple is well on its way to being in the Top 3 as far as US marketshare! :)


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  • jellomizer
    Oct 23, 12:28 PM
    If Vista can run soley in a virtuallized environment without breaking the EULA, but not be installed on a machine that also is using it in a virtualized way. How does this affect anyone-(Mac or PC)?

    If I own a PC and I want to run Vista, why would I want to also run Vista, on the same machine, in a virtual environment?

    For Mac users, why would we want to install Vista-(via BootCamp) and then also use it under virtualization?

    What situation is there that you would want to run the same OS on the same box, one natively installed and one in virtualization?:confused:

    Very confused about how this affects anyone?

    Well it is an issue on who you want incharge. For example If I am doing some web development I may want to virtualize Vista to insture the page renders correctly in IE 7. Then switch back to my Mac Enviroment. But there are other times say I want to play a windows game I would want Windows to have full control. So I want to run it nativly.

    I think Microsoft wants to make sure you are not putting the same copy of windows on different virtual devices so you can have 10 Versions of windows from the same license. (ALthough it is on the same box)

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  • xStep
    Apr 11, 08:31 PM
    I've been in a "water" mood lately...

    Like the photo.

    I also smiled after checking out your location.

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  • Compile 'em all
    Apr 1, 06:53 AM
    My baby boy just pooped and it it is just about the same color of it.:eek:

    You sir, just won 9000 internets for this post. Congrats! :D

    Apr 21, 12:26 PM
    Also, the first MBA didn't have it, and they introduced it in the B revision. So they have been able to squeeze it in before where they weren't initially.

    It would be a nice selling point for the upgraded model (as opposed to the base model), same as they did with the PowerBook for a while.

    Not True. The first MBA DID have it.

    This ... from ZDNet:

    "The worst part about the backlight’s omission is that the original MacBook Air (circa 2008) had a keyboard backlight. Obviously, there’s no technical reason that it couldn’t be done, so why did Apple drop it from the 2010 MBA?

    It can’t be a price issue. How much does a keyboard backlight LED cost in Apple quantities? A dollar? You can’t make the case for battery life either, because it’s easily turned off in System Preferences.

    So why did Apple really drop the keyboard backlight in the new MBA? Planned obsolescence, my friend. How much do you want to bet that the 2011 model has a keyboard backlight?"

    Link: http://www.zdnet.com/blog/apple/the-macbook-airs-biggest-omission-keyboard-backlight/8945

    Mar 31, 11:23 PM
    Heinous. Absolutely hideous.

    And I'm a fan of eye candy.

    The faux leather is almost as bad as this "Marble" OS X mockup, from back in the day:


    I'm calling B.S. on this photo. That image isn't from Apple. Prove me wrong, please.


    Apr 14, 12:55 PM
    Whatever "ix.Mac.MarketingName" is, I'll bet a benjamin that Eric Schmidt is clueless about it.

    Nov 3, 08:03 PM
    We got them!
    Well, we may pass each other back and forth a few times before we can really pull away...
    Next target: 2.3 weeks away! Keep Folding!

    And a little pat in the back as I just took the #8 spot on the team. Watch out this week #7! After it gets more tricky and WhiteRabbit is coming behind faaaaast...

    looks like we're ahead now i think

    That dang i7 is going back to normal units until I can figure out why it is so sloooooow... like a tortise...

    how slow?

    i engaged an octo late last week, will set up another tomorrow. they both run 24/7.

    the graphic designers using them rarely require more than 1 core anyway :)

    alright! nice! let us know how they are doing, and run the bigadv units if you can

    Apr 22, 09:38 AM
    That's just another reason to upgrade from the iPhone 4 in 2012 :)

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